
Who are we?
We are a group of refugees who asked for asylum in the Netherlands, but got rejected. We went through a lot in our countries of origin and in our travel to a safe Europe. We told our stories but they are not believed. In order to get asylum we have to come with new proof of our stories, which is either impossible to get or would put our lives even more in danger.

But also we are people. We would like to study, we would like to work, we would like to be with the ones we love. We like nice food, we like sports and we like many more things. Just like you! We are no different.

What is our problem?
Since we got rejected as refugees, we do not get any housing but are also not allowed to work. Therefore we are out on the street. We didn’t expect to find ourselves in this situation when we came here as refugees. In fact, we lack all basic human rights.

Where do we stay?
First we stayed in a tent camp, followed by many different squatted buildings, such as Vluchtkerk, Vluchtflat, Vluchtkantoor, Vluchtgarage. However, all places got evicted. But even after all this struggle, today’s eviction still breaks our heart.

What do we need?
What we need is a permanent solution. ‘Bed Bad Brood’ is no solution, because it’s only temporary, until our eviction. But neither is eviction a solution, because we cannot go back to our home countries. This is how we end up on the streets, again, and again. What we need is permission to stay in the Netherlands.

What can you do?
Luckily we get a lot of support in our struggle. This gives us a chance to feel human, to breathe, learn, enjoy and express.
Feel welcome to meet us and support us in our fight for a normal life.

For more information, go to our Facebook-page:



“We have never wished to come here,
but it was our destiny

we survived borders
we survived murder
we survived hunger
we survived diseases
we survived torture in Dutch detention
we survived the streets of Amsterdam

we are here standing strong, We Are Here strong”