Monthly Archives: juni 2013

Jean-Paul Baba, rest in peace.

Au jourd’hui sera enterre notre frere Jean-Paul Baba.
On Thursday 20  we bury our brother Jean-Paul Baba.

Jean-Paul Baba’s portret has been put up in the entrance hall of the new building at the Jan Tooropstraat.

Arrived Here as a 18 year old boy 11 years ago. 5 years in an AZC. 6 years on and off in  detention or homeless.

Donderdag 20 juni wordt Jean-Paul Baba begraven.

Om 12 uur verzamelen we bij de Vluchtflat (Jan Tooropstraat 29). Het is nog even onduidelijk wat er daarna precies zal gebeuren en waar de begrafenis precies is (er zijn twee moskeeën die zich hebben aangeboden). Morgenochtend om 10 uur zal Younis de details verspreiden via o.a. facebook. In ieder geval zal er rond half 2 in een moskee gebeden worden (waarschijnlijk gaan de mannen naar binnen en wachten de vrouwen buiten, maar ook dat zal de tijd ons leren), daarna wordt Jean-Paul begraven.

Iedereen die afscheid wil nemen en zijn steun wil betuigen is meer dan welkom.

A good place for Refugees on the Street

Again the squatters helped us to a new building.

Watch the movie

We are still together







We are safe and visible






On the 4th of September 2012 WE ARE HERE started in the World Garden.

On the 25th of September we moved to the Notweg in Osdorp.

On the 2nd of December we moved to the Vluchtkerk.
Since the 31st of May we are in the Vluchtflat.

We want to live a normal life.
And we start to create it here and now.

Geen mens is illegaal!


We are now in Slotervaart, in New West, at August Allebeplein, in the heart of multicultural Amsterdam.
Jan Tooropstraat 29
1062 BK Amsterdam
metro Postjesweg

If you can give money, we can use it to survive and live.
Bank 609060 of. Stichting XminY Beweging, ref. We Are here

A good place for Refugees on the Street

Again the squatters helped us to a new building.

Watch the movie

We are still together







We are safe and visible









On the 4th of September 2012 WE ARE HERE started in the World Garden.
On the 25th of September we moved to the Notweg in Osdorp.

On the 2nd of December we moved to the Vluchtkerk.
Since the 31st of May we are in the Vluchtflat.

We want to live a normal life.
And we start to create it here and now.

Geen mens is illegaal!


We are now in Slotervaart, in New West, at August Allebeplein, in the heart of multicultural Amsterdam.
Jan Tooropstraat 29
1062 BK Amsterdam
metro Postjesweg

If you can give money, we can use it to survive and live.
Bank 609060 of. Stichting XminY Beweging, ref. We Are here